According to Transeop, more than 90% of logistics operators who are regularly engaged in the transport of goods by road over short or long distances do not yet have the digital equipment required to Seguimiento global de envíosobtain instant information regarding how and where the loads are or for digitization actions of the delivery notes for the global tracking of shipments. Imagine an intelligent tracking label that provides complete, real-time supply chain data globally, so you can track an asset globally no matter where it is, when and where it’s needed. Now imagine that same technology, but thin as paper. That’s our new GPS TAG for global asset tracking.

Why the GPS tag is an indisputable breakthrough

Our economies are global, business is international, supply chains are immensely complex. The number of parties involved in the logistics of a single product can be overwhelming. It is for this reason that our global tracking GPS tag, the world’s thinnest GPS-tag, is the best solution for global asset tracking from origin to destination, no matter where the asset is and whether GPS coverage exists or chain improvement

An adhesive barcode label, capable of transmitting data for up to 6 months and transmitting a multitude of readings uninterruptedly and reliably.

How does the GPS tag work?

The global shipment tracking GPS tag works with a printed biodegradable battery. This 2 mm thick battery powers an iSIM that avoids the typical problems of movement of the same and, therefore, of loss of connectivity in other GPS present in the market, a microprocessor, a modem and an antenna while maintaining a thickness comparable to that of a few sheets of paper. A culmination of all the aforementioned parts cangps tag provide readings at the time the asset is opened, the movement to which the box was subjected (it has a built-in accelerometer) and the location of the cell identification. The tag sends the data via LTE, Sigfox, LoRa and Bluetooth to our smart fleet management platform. In doing so, our GPS TAG introduces new traceability data into supply chains that make it possible to trace it globally both indoor and outdoor.

How is the GPS tag fed?

Our GPS tag uses a super-capacitor as an alternative power supply. This super-capacitor allows for a better and more stable power supply which, in turn, opens the label to forms of connectivity and sensing that consume more energy. In addition to the readings provided by our GPS tag, it will be able to collect temperature readings from data and will be able to transmit over 2G networks. Finally, it allows the label to become a multi-use tracking device, further mitigating the effect it already has on the environment.

Some of the uses that the label can have is for example the tracking of portable machines, easy to steal, and with nn value that does not justify the use of traditional fleet management systems, since these have a cost 2 or three times higher than that of the GPS-tag. In addition, the GPS-tag has two versions; one with rechargeable batteries and a duration of 2 years and one with non-rechargeable batteries with a duration of up to 3.5 years.

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