Controlling the pressure and temperature of a truck’s tires in real time can be a good solution to avoid unforeseen events and reduce maintenance and fuel costs. Smart truck tires are equipped with sensors that transmit real-time pressure and temperature data and provide the user with the ability to send this information to their fleet management system for remote diagnosis and maintenance of their condition.

With this information, vehicles can drive at the correct inflation pressure, optimizing driving, reducing fuel consumption, also limiting CO2 emissions and increasing tire life, while ensuring uptime. This results in greater efficiency in fleet management and reduced operating costs. In addition, telematics systems allow monitoring of these tires, even when they are not attached to the tractor head, which avoids many incidents in the collection of semi-trailers.neumáticos inteligentes

Because information captured by smart truck tire sensors is displayed immediately and with alerts through the telematics system, users can immediately take appropriate measures to avoid tire incidents and thus optimize their performance, while ensuring safety by minimizing breakdowns. Smart tires are also a step forward in tire management, as it avoids the need for some manual maintenance operations, also optimizing workshop times and monetizing operation in vehicle management.

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